Food for thought – How we can reduce food waste

One-third of all produced food – that is 1.3 billion tons per year – gets wasted. A shocking 45% of fruit and vegetables, 35% of fish and seafood, 30% of cereals, 20% of dairy and 20% of meat is thrown away. We’re not just wasting food, there is also an environmental and economical cost whenContinue reading “Food for thought – How we can reduce food waste”

Waste not, want not

Let’s talk trash. We globally produce 2.1 billion tons of waste per year, the majority of which ends up polluting the atmosphere from a landfill or through an incinerator. Particularly single-use products are an unnecessary evil; we use them for a few minutes, and they last in the environment for half a millennium. The needContinue reading “Waste not, want not”

How To Buy Sustainable Fish 101

The importance of fish We not only have fish to thank for being the star-players in culinary masterpieces such as fish and chips and fish tacos, they also play a crucial role in feeding half the world. Three billion people rely on fish as their primary source of protein, and with the human population expandingContinue reading “How To Buy Sustainable Fish 101”

Someone’s gotta do it: who is responsible for fighting climate change?

One thing is certain: the climate is changing. What’s less clear though, is who of us should change in order to fight it. Citizens could reduce their consumption, politicians could incentivise environmental policies, companies could develop less polluting manufacturing methods; plenty of players can (and should!) take action, but who will rise to the occassion? Continue reading “Someone’s gotta do it: who is responsible for fighting climate change?”

The Rebound Effect

Fuel-efficient cars, energy-saving appliances and carbon-friendly diets are making their  way into more and more people’s lives. Changing the products we consume is a great step towards an environmentally-friendly lifestyle, but unfortunately all the eco-friendly, reusable bamboo cups in the world don’t mean a thing if we don’t also adapt our behaviour. In fact, theContinue reading “The Rebound Effect”

Who will be the next wooly mammoth? – Biodiversity loss and why it is important

Do you like clean air, fresh water, nutritious food? If you answered yes (aka if you are a human being), biodiversity is important to you. We sometimes forget it, but Earth is not just “our” planet, it’s the home of millions of species. Each species has its own role in ecosystem functioning, no matter whetherContinue reading “Who will be the next wooly mammoth? – Biodiversity loss and why it is important”

The (Milky) Way to Sustainable Dairy Alternatives

Dear Dairy, Millions of people around the world enjoy you for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack (night-cheese anyone?).  The delicious taste of dairy products is unfortunately overshadowed by the less-positive environmental and ethical implications of dairy production. The dairy industry accounts for 4% of global greenhouse gases, uses up a lot of land andContinue reading “The (Milky) Way to Sustainable Dairy Alternatives”

The Road to Clean Cars – Is electric really better for the environment?

Stealthy, fast, AND good for the environment – electric cars seem to have it all. Certainly, electric cars are incredibly trendy and driving on electric energy obviously means that no greenhouse gases are emitted by a fuel tank #yayfortheenvironment. But before we celebrate how clean electric vehicles are, we need to consider other parts ofContinue reading “The Road to Clean Cars – Is electric really better for the environment?”

Is Meat really Murder (to the Planet)?

We’ve all heard it: meat is bad. Bad for our health, bad for the environment, and bad for the animals. Is meat really that terrible? Should we all go plant-based? Can we never have bacon again? Let’s find out. Health Red meats have a lot of saturated fat, which are a killer for your cholesterolContinue reading “Is Meat really Murder (to the Planet)?”

The Dirty Laundry of Greenwashers

Volkswagen runs on clean diesel! Shell is building a sustainable oil refinery! Cheetos contain only natural ingredients! Do you find these claims hard to believe? – Hopefully yes.  Did I make them up? – Surprisingly, no.  Are they complete bullshit? – 100% What is greenwashing? Thankfully, most of us are suspicious when we read thatContinue reading “The Dirty Laundry of Greenwashers”

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